How A Polaroid Camera Works

Its taken me over three hours to watch "Eames: The Architect and The Painter" on Netflix. Every single time the documentary gets moving... I have to stop and Google the bananas out of their projects and re-watch the magic in its full form. I highly recommend it, especially as someone who has taken the time to watch the majority of their archives. It's a beautiful overview of their life work. The only negative is that its narrated by James Franco, which might be a plus for others who enjoy slow-speaking Americans that model for Gucci. Here is the Polaroid one which is fantastic. Wait for the instructional part. It REALLY gets EPIC around the 5:00 minute mark.

Makes you really want a SX-70.


UPDATE [May 9th, 2012]

Here is a new link:

Chia Icons

Below are some silly icons I made long ago for a design course at Parsons. I just found them floating around online. If I was ever anime.... I might just look like this:

Final Project

Here is my final project for Web Design 1. Its a "Designers Toolbox" and each persona has a set of tools appropriate for that persona's work. Click on the Architect, Artist, Student, or Graphic Designer and help them organize!! Move their pencils and pens!! The link will eventually die because its on my professor's server: