BILL, HOW I ENJOY THEE. Pretty Excited. Let you know how it goes!
Lunch Line Redesign
Experiments that we and other researchers have done in cafeterias at high schools, middle schools and summer camp programs, as well as in laboratories, have revealed many ways to use behavioral psychology to coax children to eat better. Here are a dozen such strategies that work without requiring drastic or expensive changes in school menus.
For all the interesting finds play with the interactive map on the NYT! I'm not going to lie, it was better in print form....
Military Food Rations {combat meals}... A peek inside.
Such a fantastic and intriguing food bit from the New York Times "A Taste of Home in Foil Packets and Powder" .
Inside look at South Korea and Unites States (which by far had the most candy):
Maps for a Voyeurist...
How Different Groups Spend Their Day by NYT Feel that the young ones are watching too much TV? Look at the age group 15-24 and then compare to 65+. Tsk tsk tsk.
A Peek Into Netflix Queues by NYT
Look at the difference between Man On Wire and Tyler Perry's flick Madea Goes to Jail.