Great blog!




I'm always on the look-out for new and different definitions of a brand promise, brand manifesto, brand pillars, etc. I love seeing how these morph and customize into tools for a brand. Its great to see how big and small brands interpret and define some of their core ethos- sometimes getting a little sloppy or strangely crazy.

I've stumbled on this great new blog that does a great job putting a stake in the ground, tackling some big questions on their

Articles include:

1 Option Paralysis: what happens when consumers are faced with too many options?

2 Brand and Multipliers: branding as multiplication, and not addition.

3 A Product is NOT a Brand: how having a great product is no longer a guarantee of success.



[vimeo 37655203]  

[vimeo 44111107]


One of the more thoughtful and elegant strategies I have ever seen implemented by a company. Read their story and browse their website. All of their content is inspiring and provides you with a sense quality, craftsmanship, and above all, that they lovingly care and are invested in their customers.

Harder said than done. Especially, if your just a paper company.